Tuesday, 22 November 2011


Our journey to Venice was not very glorious.  In order to get to Venice from Prague, we had to first train to Vienna Miedling, catch the metro to Vienna West and then a night train to Venice.  In addition to this roundabout route, when we reserved our seats for the overnight train, we were informed that not only were there no couchettes or beds available, but there weren’t even two seats left together.  To cut a long story short, that particular train trip was not so great.  However, we made it to Venice in one piece, which really is the main thing.

Santos and I had decided to stay on the mainland Venice rather than the better known island(s) of Venice for a number of reasons.  It was MUCH cheaper, we couldn’t find any non-phenomenally expensive accommodation on the island(s) and it was super easy to get from the mainland into Venice proper.  Plus, it would have been horrible trying to navigate the winding streets and narrow bridges with our luggage.

We tried to squeeze as much as possible into our short stay in Venice, while still absorbing the magic of the city.  And it is undeniable – Venice is captivating.  I would have much preferred fewer tourists, but meh.  What can you do.

Love from Cass and Santos

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